Kit con 37 modulos y sensores para Raspberry Pi de SunFounder Precio: 77,99 (como 11/06/2022 01:54 PST- Detalles) & Envio GRATIS. Detalles

A brand new Sensor Kit V2 for Raspberry Pi B+, compatible with Raspberry Pi 3, 2, with the freshly-rewritten User Manual provided for you to easily learn this NEW kit as well as Raspberry Pi
User Manual in this new kit will be of larger size, with more details at the same time, when the Fritzing breadboard images and schematic diagrams are much clearer
37 modules included, all of which are redesigned. For most of the modules, a pin socket for anti-reverse cable is soldered, thus making the wiring much tighter and convenient



NOMBRE DEL PRODUCTO 37 Módulo de Unidades de Kit V2.0 para la Frambuesa Pi PRODUCTO TAGLINE Un kit lleno con 37 módulos de sensor y 35 proyectos DESCRIPCIÓN El Kit de Sensor SunFounder es un kit de aprendizaje de 37 módulos de sensor de Frambuesa Pi, apto para principiantes y cualquiera que disfrute de la programación juguetes. Viene con el software de lenguaje de programación visual y fácil de usar Dragit, por lo que la codificación divertida y fácil de aprender. Los módulos de sensor 37 formulan 35 lecciones que se presentan diversas funciones y proyectos interesantes. Utilice el Kit de sensor SunFounder para iniciar su viaje de hacer y explorar proyectos interesantes y útiles. Módulo PAQUETE INCLUDES1x color doble LED 1x RGBLED 1x Auto-flash LED 1x relé 1x emisor láser 1x botón 1x inclinación interruptor 1x vibración interruptor 1x receptor IR 1x Timbre activo 1x pasiva zumbador 1x tipo Reed 1x Foto-interrupción 1x AD / DAConvert-PCF8591 1x RainDrop interruptor del sensor 1x Joystick PS2 1x potenciómetro 1x analógica sensor Hall 1x Salón Temperatura 1x analógica del sensor sensor de sonido 1x termistor 1x 1x Fotorresistor 1x Llama 1x sensor de gas 1x sensor remoto interruptor de control táctil 1x 1x HC-SR04 1x sensor de temperatura-DS18B20 1x Rotary Codificar 1x humiture Obstáculo 1x sensor IR 1x 1602 I2C 1x panel de sensores barómetro-BMP280 1x MPU6050 1x RTC-DS1302 1x Tracking 1x cortar el pan 1x GPIO extensión 1x 40 pines del cable de cinta para la Junta GPIO 2x pin anti-reverso cable 5x pin anti-reverso cable 5x pin anti rebobinen cable 5x pin anti-Reverse cable 1x cable plano pasador 20x cables de puente (macho a hembra) 10x cables de puente (macho a macho) Manual de usuario 1x
A brand new Sensor Kit V2 for Raspberry Pi B+, compatible with Raspberry Pi 3, 2, with the freshly-rewritten User Manual provided for you to easily learn this NEW kit as well as Raspberry Pi
User Manual in this new kit will be of larger size, with more details at the same time, when the Fritzing breadboard images and schematic diagrams are much clearer
37 modules included, all of which are redesigned. For most of the modules, a pin socket for anti-reverse cable is soldered, thus making the wiring much tighter and convenient
For each module, the schematic diagram is offered so you may understand in depth how the module works, together with code in Python and C and high-definition Fritzing breadboard images for easy understanding of wiring
A specific Fritzing image is drawn for each module so you may make your own design with our modules

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