Kit de 37 sensores para Raspberry Pi de Sunfounder Precio: 77,99 (como 11/06/2022 01:54 PST- Detalles) & Envio GRATIS. Detalles

A brand new Sensor Kit V2 for Raspberry Pi B+, compatible with Raspberry Pi 3, 2, with the freshly-rewritten User Manual provided for you to easily learn this NEW kit as well as Raspberry Pi
User Manual in this new kit will be of larger size, with more details at the same time, when the Fritzing breadboard images and schematic diagrams are much clearer
37 modules included, all of which are redesigned. For most of the modules, a pin socket for anti-reverse cable is soldered, thus making the wiring much tighter and convenient



This NEW Sensor Kit V2.0 for Raspberry Pi B+ is a revision based on the previous version Sensor Kit for Raspberry Pi B+. Most of the experiments are the same between the two. The key difference lies in the code and Fritzing breadboard images which are changed greatly in the new version – SunFounder has redesigned the modules to be really utilized in this kit, and to keep the same experimental phenomenon we revised the code and images accordingly. The changes are obvious to be noticed.
35 lessons in the 168-page User Manual, paper version included in the package when the PDF version offered on our website. Also the detailed materials of each module, including the code in Python and C and Fritzing images, are provided for you to learn its applications easily; you may find the datasheet of the modules in the WIKI section on our website.

35 Lessons
1 Dual-Color LED
2 RGB LED Module
3 7-Color Auto-flash LED
4 Relay Module
5 Laser Emitter Module
6 Button Module
7 Tilt-Switch Module
8 Mercury Switch
9 IR Receiver Module
10 Buzzer Module
11 Reed Switch
12 Photo-interrupter
13 PCF8591
14 Rain Detection Module
15 Joystick PS2
16 Potentiometer Module
17 Hall Sensor
18 Thermistor Module
19 Sound Sensor
20 Photoresistor Module
21 Flame Sensor
22 Gas Sensor
23 IR Remote control
24 Touch Switch
25 Ultrasonic Ranging Module
26 DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
27 Rotary Encoder Module
28 Humiture Sensor
29 IR Obstacle Avoidance Module
30 I2C LCD1602
31 Barometer
32 MPU6050 Gyro Acceleration Sensor
33 RTC DS1302
34 Tracking Sensor
35 Intelligent System
A brand new Sensor Kit V2 for Raspberry Pi B+, compatible with Raspberry Pi 3, 2, with the freshly-rewritten User Manual provided for you to easily learn this NEW kit as well as Raspberry Pi
User Manual in this new kit will be of larger size, with more details at the same time, when the Fritzing breadboard images and schematic diagrams are much clearer
37 modules included, all of which are redesigned. For most of the modules, a pin socket for anti-reverse cable is soldered, thus making the wiring much tighter and convenient
For each module, the schematic diagram is offered so you may understand in depth how the module works, together with code in Python and C and high-definition Fritzing breadboard images for easy understanding of wiring
A specific Fritzing image is drawn for each module so you may make your own design with our modules

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